Production Blog
Hey blog. I’ve decided to do a collage style commercial. I’ll add put the photos and videos together one after another will shorts breaks in between. I don’t think I’m going to evenly space the footage and photos. I want it to look erratic and energetic. Controlled chaos in a way. It’ll give my commercial a more organic feeling to it. I’m going to put the entire focus on exercise and weight training but use clips and footage that allow my personality to shine through the exercises and music. I’ll try and use footage that shows my face to do this. I plan on analyzing various fitness commercials and training montages in movies and other media. In order to get a better idea of what my commercial to be formatted like. The Rocky movies are a great source of inspiration. These movies are famous for their training montages that take up to 1/3 of the movies total run time. Analyzing these will allow me to form a base from which I can expand upon. A lot of gyms have very good commercials. ...