Production Bog #8 - Final Task
Hey guys welcome back to another one of these blogs in the blog previously we were discussing the editing portion of the video and a majority of the first part of the editing process was dumping the clips into the editing software and making sure that the clips are filmed well and what not. When I started editing the clips however and started cutting and editing the clips to help the flow of the film look better. Once I did all the cuts and tweaks for the film, I came up to a big problem. The film elapsed to WAY over 5 minutes and it was a huge problem for Lance and I as we wanted to show off a quality film but also be able to show it in the time span we had to came up with quick thinking. We decided that we would keep in the house scene as it elapsed to just above 5 minutes and cut out the rest of the scenes as we still wanted to bring quality to our film. Cutting out scenes was a difficult decision because each one contributed something unique to the storyline. However, we had to prioritize the most important aspects of our film to ensure that it remained engaging. We carefully analyzed which scenes were crucial for storytelling and which ones could be removed without affecting the overall message. After much deliberation, we realized that the house scene was the strongest in terms of both cinematography and storytelling. By keeping this scene, we could maintain the emotional impact we wanted while still meeting the time constraint. We also had to make some additional cuts within the house scene itself, trimming unnecessary moments to keep it concise. Editing is always a balancing act between storytelling and time management, and this experience really reinforced that lesson for us. Even though we had to remove some great moments, we were proud of the final result. The shorter runtime made the film more polished and engaging, ensuring that our audience would stay invested.
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