Production Blog #6 - Final Task
Hey! and welcome back to the last filming blog, last blog we perfected the scenes in the house and what not we also had to re film a lot of the scenes as the fight scenes and the intro, however a lot of that took time and we were able to master it. Next we were going to record the scenes in downtown and outside of the House. this required the use of props such as the police vest as well as a fake police car to make it realistic as possible. We want to sell that this is a police interviewing a witness. We had dialogue for this part and it was straight forward and easy to use throughout the film we were able to have the characters/actors portray what was going on and be able to convey the emotions for police scene. For the Downtown scene we had it done briskly and swiftly as the whole point of the scene is to portray it as a business call and make it professional as possible. Think about it: a real police interview has a certain weight to it, right? We spent time discussing how a real cop would stand, how they'd hold their notepad, and how they'd look at the witness. Lance, as the "cop," really got into the character, and our "witness" friends did a great job looking nervous and telling their story. We even practiced the timing of the questions and answers, so it felt natural and not too rushed. We wanted the audience to believe they were watching a genuine moment .For the downtown scene, it was all about making a professional business call, so we kept it quick and to the point. We wanted it to look sharp and efficient. We made sure the dialogue was perfect and the acting was on point. We even thought about the background noise, trying to capture the hustle and bustle of a city street without it being too distracting. We wanted it to feel like a real, important call, where every word mattered. We picked a spot that had a good view of the buildings, to give that "big city" feel. It was so cool to see everything come together! We're so excited for you to see the finished film! It felt like we were really making a movie!" See you in the next blog where we start our editing process.
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