Production Blog #5 - Final Task
Hey welcome Back to my next blog, last blog we went over the start of the filming process between the House due to it being a bit shaky and the film quality not as good due to cuts that looked very lack luster as well as unprofessional ism with the lighting we had decided to re due the House scene. So we had scheduled for another day to record the film. We ended up using a better camera quality, used better props, as well as make sure that we had our dialogue down to the tee. We wanted to make sure that the House scene was perfection as that was the hook, line, and sinker. We spent extra time practicing our lines, so the dialogue would flow perfectly. We even rehearsed our movements, so everything looked natural. We wanted to make sure that the house scene was absolutely perfect, because it’s the scene that really grabs the audience's attention. We also paid close attention to the lighting, experimenting with different setups to create the exact mood we wanted. It was a lot of hard work, but we learned so much from our first attempt. We took all the feedback we got and used it to make the scene even better. We're really excited to see how it turns out in the final edit! I'm really glad we decided to re-shoot, because I think it will make a huge difference in the final product. For the next blog I will be talking about finalizing the last couple of scenes for the film to make sure we can have the best possible film imaginable. See you in the next blog
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