Production Blog #4 - Final Task
Hey guys welcome back to another blog. Today me and gabe began the filming for our project. We began by filming all of the scenes that take place during the day. It just makes more sense that way. First we went to downtown Fort Lauderdale to film the scenes where the hit man is on the phone. These scenes were easy to film because it was mostly dialogue and in this scene gabe could use any mannerisms he wants to convey his character. Then we shot the scenes where the police are present. This went smoothly because we were in a relatively quiet neighborhood so we could work without interruptions. Then we began to shoot the scenes inside of the house. This proved to be more challenging at times. We spent a while figuring out all of the lighting we were going to use. It was between using the lights the house already has or setting up our own. We also have to be very careful when filming scenes with lots of movement since we were indoors we ran the risk of knocking something over or tripping. The most difficult part by far was the scenes where the hit man is hiding just barely in frame. Because we are using camera audio we can’t talk and cue gabe so the timing and his position is entirely up to him. That actually proved to be the greatest challenge when we filmed the action sequences. We couldn’t cue or talk to the actors while it’s happening so we had to rehearse as best as possible. We had to stop filming since it was getting late and we decided to continue filming the bulk of the action and other scenes the next day. That’s all I got for you today I hope to see you in the next one.
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