Our Pitch

 Pitch A: Two teen boys are walking home at night after a long day at school, but what is following them?

Pitch B: Two teen boys are hanging out at night alone, but are they?

Discuss Pitch A: We would like to film Pitch A because it would not require many props or other affects. It's also set outside and it would be easy to find a more empty and secluded area to walk at night. The drawbacks of this however are that it is much more dangerous to walk at night. There are potential hazards such as cars and people who obviously we cannot obscure their evening for our film. This pitch however would not be too hard to film and since it would be filmed outside that allows for potentially much greater liberty in shot angle, distance, and movement.

Discuss Pitch B: We would like to film Pitch B because it would predominately take place indoors in one location. This would make it much easier to film since we have much more control over the environment. There will also be less potential hazards making filming safer. We will be able to have more creative liberty with potential shots and props. However the lack of space does limit the amount of movement for potential scenes. Another benefit is if we had to re-shoot certain scenes we could arrange the environment to match the setting in that specific scene.

Our final decision: Since we would have more control over the setting of the scenes, we have decided to go with Pitch B: Two teen boys are hanging out at night alone, but are they?


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