Production Blog: Planning, gathering footage for the first few scenes

 Hey blog. This week I will start to gather footage for me and my teammates music video. This week I'm really going to focus on gathering footage for the first few scenes. The first scenes are split between the three of us. I need a sequence of me waking up early, preparing myself breakfast or a protein shake. I also need footage of me going for a morning jog. The overall plan isn't over complicated but the only issue is the time of day we want to shoot. We all agree that the dark of the night or early morning really fits the theme perfectly. In our video we are trying to translate the mindset of fitness and exercise. The mentality you need to be great. The music and the dark along with the message we're trying to convey. The mentality it takes has a certain intensity. It's almost as if there's a weight in your mind and you feel this drive to push yourself. It's a dark and sort of intense mindset but it is liberating at the same time. The issue with this and the fact that we want to film when its dark is that when we want to film our later scenes it is going to be harder to find a gym that is open to all three of us that late. I have a tripod that is going to be very useful for the first few scenes. Especially with the waking up and kitchen scenes the tripod will really be the most useful piece of equipment I have besides my phone. I'm going to film two different versions of each scene. Two early in the morning while its still dark out and two early in the morning when the sun is out. I personally prefer the dark lighting however my teammates might have a difficult time with this. I hope we can all follow through with the early morning dark concept. It really fits our theme more and I think it will make for an overall better video. For "costumes" I think a basic and almost stereotypical outfit choice of a black hoodie and gray sweatpants will work well. It's something most people are accustomed to seeing and it will look better on camera. It will also give us a uniform look. Since we all have the same outfit.


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