Production Blog: Filming, finishing filming my scenes

 Hey blog. I've started to gather the footage for the first few scenes. Like I've said in the last blog the first few scenes will be split evenly among the three of us, but each person has three in the beginning so it's still a good amount of work. I've gathered my footage for both times of day. With the early release on Monday and the day off on Tuesday me and my teammates will have more freedom and time to film. This will really work in our favor. With these extra days even if we cant get all the footage in one day we can always get the rest another. And of course life happens and its impossible to say what will happen but we will be able to film whichever scenes the situation allows. My teammates and I have made a list of gyms we can go to gather our footage. The issue arises when we remember the fact that a gym is an open place and we have to be mindful of other people trying to enjoy their workouts as well. Taking this into consideration we have a particular gym that yes, is open to others, however its almost always empty so i think this will be our best option. It has plenty of equipment and enough weights to stack up to 300lbs. For the video we definitely won't need every single weight however, but its always good to have too much than too less. The lighting in the room is also really good especially when it's dark outside. It's overhead warm lighting so it really gives a more darker and personal look. We aren't quite sure how much of the video should be pump pics, but we want at least 2 scenes. Unlike the last project I worked on I want to focus more on compound exercises in this video. Compound exercises are any exercises that work out multiple muscle groups to a certain intensity. These exercises also look really good on camera because they typically are preformed with heavy weight. I think they will also look better in this video since they are the base exercises every lifter learns. It will help send the message that even more experienced lifters still use the basics. It makes our video more relatable for our audience.


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Production Blog

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